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Electronic Signatures in Global and National Commerce 15 U.S. Code CHAPTER 96, also known as the ESign Act, was enacted in 2000 to facilitate the use of electronic records and electronic signatures in interstate and foreign commerce.
This ESign Disclosure and Consent applies to all Communications for those products, services and accounts offered by Creditor Advocates or accessible through Creditor Advocates online service or a mobile application used to access the Online Service. Creditor Advocates needs Client's general consent to use electronic records and signatures during the term of the relationship. Client must review and consent to the terms outlined below.
By clicking the checkbox, typing a name, or typing other symbols in the space provided indicated as Signature or in emails, Client consents and agree that (a) this will serve as Client's electronic signature, (b) Client's electronic signature on documents and agreements has the same effect as if Client signed them in ink, (c) Client consents to the use of electronic records, (d) Creditor Advocates can provide Communications required by law and other information about Client's legal rights and duties to Client electronically, (e) Creditor Advocates can send Client all Communications electronically (i) via email, (ii) by access to a web site that Creditor Advocates designates in an email notice send to Client at the time the information becomes available, or (iii) to the extent permissible by law, by access to a website that Creditor Advocates generally designate in advance for such purpose, and (f) this consent applies to: i) agreements between Creditor Advocates and Client, ii) Client's use of Creditor Advocates Products; iii) to all future Communications associated with Creditor Advocates' Online Services account; iv) to all future transactions in which Client use Creditor Advocates Products, at any time, unless prior to such transaction Client has withdrawn their consent by the procedure mentioned below; and v) to other Communications provided by email.
Creditor Advocates understands that Client may request paper copies of the Disclosures within 180 days of the date of the Disclosure, and that Creditor Advocates will provide them to Client by mail at no charge. Creditor Advocates understand that Client has the right to receive these Disclosures in paper form. If Client want a paper copy, Client can print a copy of the Communication, download the information for Client's records, or request a paper copy by contacting Creditor Advocates at or postal mail to Creditor Advocates Inc, 4719 Park Nicollet Ave SE #115, Prior Lake, MN 55372.
Client has the right to withdraw their consent at any time. To withdraw consent, send a written request by postal mail to Attn: ESign Consent Withdraw Request, Creditor Advocates Inc, 4719 Park Nicollet Ave SE #115, Prior Lake, MN 55372. Client must include sufficient identifying information to locate their account. Client's withdrawal of consent will become effective after Creditor Advocates has had a reasonable opportunity to act upon it. Client understands and agree that if they withdraw their consent to receive electronic Disclosures Creditor Advocates may – though Creditor Advocates is not obligated to – terminate Client's access to Creditor Advocates’ Online Services and Client's ability to use certain Products.
Client must promptly notify Creditor Advocates of any change in Client email or other electronic address. Client may change the email address on record by contacting Creditor Advocates Client Support at or postal mail to 4719 Park Nicollet Ave SE #115, Prior Lake, MN 55372.
Hardware and software requirements include (a) a current version of a supported internet browser, (b) a connection to the internet, (c) a current version of a program that accurately reads and displays PDF files (such as Chrome or Adobe Acrobat Reader), and (d) a computer and an operating system capable of supporting all of the above. Client will also need a printer if its desired to print out and retain records on paper, and electronic storage if Client desires to retain records in electronic form.
By consenting, Client agree that electronic Disclosures have the same meaning and effect as if Creditor Advocates provided paper Disclosures to Client. When Creditor Advocates sends Client an email or other electronic notification alerting Client that the Disclosure is available electronically and Creditor Advocates make them available online, that shall have the same meaning and effect as if Creditor Advocates provided a paper Disclosure to Client, whether or not Creditor Advocates choose to view the Disclosure, unless Client had previously withdrawn their consent to receive Disclosures electronically. Client understands and agree that Disclosures are considered received within 24 hours of the time posted to Creditor Advocates’ website, or at the time emailed to Client unless Creditor Advocates receives notice that the email was not delivered.
Client understands and agrees that a) all communications in electronic or paper format that Client receives from Creditor Advocates will be considered “in writing;” b) Client's consent to view and sign Communications electronically does not expire and is not limited as to duration; c) Creditor Advocates reserves the right to cancel this electronic Communication service, change the terms of use of this service or send Communications in paper form at any time; d) neither Creditor Advocates nor their agents will be liable for any loss, liability, cost, expense or claim for acting upon this ESign Consent; e) Creditor Advocates is responsible for sending notice of the Communications to Client electronically, including at the email address Client has provided, but that Creditor Advocates is not responsible for any delay or failure in Client's receipt of the email notices; and f) communications include important information or disclosures concerning Client's account and they agree to review such communications in a timely manner.
By providing Client's consent, Client is also confirming that Client has the hardware and software described above, that Client is able to receive and review electronic records, and that Client has an active, personal, and secure email and Client is the only one that has access to the email so as to prevent unintentional third party disclosures. Client is also confirming that Client is authorized to, and do, consent on behalf of all the other owners, authorized signers, authorized representatives, and/or delegates identified with Client's Creditor Advocates Products.
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